Friday, September 28, 2007

CandyBlog I

When I applied to be an exchange student to Japan, I told the people interviewing me that I wanted to "experience a different culture" and learn Japanese and all that. That was all a lie. What I really wanted was easily accessable delicious candy.

And Japan delivers!

There is a ton of good candy here

(I MODDED my blog. Click the link like it says to open up shop)

Let's start with Maccha.

Uh as you can see it's not really candy at all, it's really more of an ice cream. However, it's also my favorite sweet over here so it gets first mention. Maccha is basically green tea ice cream, except it's kinda icy, like if they froze creamy green tea and just crushed it up a whole bunch. This one pictured above is weird because you don't really eat it like ice cream at all, but suck it through a straw. It's probably the best thing to buy when you're walking outside on a hot day.

They also got Ghana here. I was expecting something WACKY and CRAZY from fun-loving Ghana, but it's actually just milk chocolate. Pretty good though.

Crunky. Old favorite. Best part? You know they were going for "Crunchy" and just ended up with this name, but they've made no attempt to fix their mistake, even though the description of the candy spells "crunchy" out perfectly.

LOOK will you please LOOOOOOOK I DEMAND ATTENTION. I really didn't have high expectations for this stuff, I just bought it because I want to try all the candy in Japan and because the name was so obnoxiously stupid. Also notice that it says it is "A La Mode". Don't be fooled. There is no ice cream.

It LOOKs kinda cool though. and it TASTEs pretty bad. The only passable flavor out of the four (pineapple, strawberry, caramel, banana) is the caramel, and that's really not anything exciting.

BUT THERE'S MORE! Still with the A La Mode, but no ice cream to be found. I probably should have avoided getting this after having the normal LOOK but uh, there was a maccha flavor and I couldn't say no. It actually isn't that bad, except for the strawberry. The other flavors are kurogoma (black sesame) and chocolate.

Oh man choco flake. Choco flake is so good, you don't even know. That is how good it is. It's pretty much what every chocolate flavored cereal tries but ultimately fails to be. This is because they are only chocolate flavored. Choco flake totally changes the game and just covers corn flakes in chocolate, which kinda sounds grody at first (chocolate and corn) but really it's just like cereal, only a million times better. It's great frozen too. I have yet to try it with milk, but believe me, I will have tried it before this year is over.

I thought this stuff looked pretty rad. Chocolate balls in an IMPENETRABLE metal bottle? Yes please! Unfortunately, this was because I assumed that the chocolate balls would have something interesting about them, and had to be encased in metal because it was too rad for plastic or cardboard packaging. Turns out they're just chocolate balls.

This was the biggest disappointment. I could fix the picture on this but it let me down so hard that I ain't doing nothing for it anymore. Just to clear up possible misunderstandings about this, I love dark chocolate. I used to think "the higher the percentage, the better!" But that was before I tried this absolutely disgusting bar of poison. I tried two squares of the stuff and I barely made it through the second square without dying of dehydration. If posed with the choice of either eating an entire bar of this stuff without milk or never feeling joy again in my entire life, I would be hard-pressed to make a decision.



Ben Kuyper said...

My mother lived in Ghana for awhile in college. She didn't have any tales of totally whacked out chocolate though, :(.

Crunky! ahgahsgashas, that is the best. LET'S GET CRUNKY. lololololllololollolol

What's the secret behind those armored chocolate balls? I will not accept 'nothing' as an answer.

Nice post.

minimill said...

i think ive seen the maccha around. now ive gotta pick some up.

>Jer said...

Ben I would just like to say that it comes as no surprise that your mom has lived in Ghana

Evan said...

I really want to go to Ghana.

phintleroy said...

The guy across the hall from me is from Ghana

minimill said...

My roommate is from Ghana.

Ben Kuyper said...


minimill said...

I'm in Ghana right now.

Ben Kuyper said...

cool. how is it?

Harry said...

Candy blog.